Best Food for Dogs with Diarrhea: A Guide to Soothing Your Pup’s Tummy

What Causes Diarrhoea in Dogs

When choosing food for a dog with diarrhea, you can consider things like Protein: Chicken, eggs, and turkey are good sources of protein  Carbohydrates: Rice, oatmeal, and sweet potato are easily digestible carbohydrates  Fiber: Fiber helps with bowel regularity and firm stools  When your beloved canine companion suffers from diarrhea, it can be a distressing … Read more

Why Does my Dog Play with his Food?

my dog play with his food

Has your dog’s unappetizing response to his dinner left your concern? Are you confused about why he throws food around the minute he realizes it has been served to him? The exciting behaviour your dog play with his food may be exhibiting is natural. People are cooped up in one place with them, which can … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Olives?

Do olives benefit dogs

You may be wondering can dog eat olives. Are they dangerous for dogs? Are they on the list of human-friendly foods that are now considered taboo for dogs, alongside chocolate and raisins?  And what’s the matter about olive oil? In this instance, there’s no way to answer this question straightforwardly. However, since we all want … Read more