What can I Feed my Dog Instead of Dog Food ?

What can I Feed my Dog

A question that comes to your mind is, what can I feed my dog instead of dog food? You become inventive with the food you have on hand while your mind struggles to devise a plan of action. Considerations for Meals:  Keep the following in mind before beginning to search through your refrigerator or pantry: Avoid greasy, … Read more

Why is my Dog Throwing Up Undigested Food?

Dog Throws Up Undigested Food 8 Hours After Eating

Dog Throwing Up Undigested Food, the answer to this question is that has it been partially or incompletely digested for various reasons? Dogs can also vomit food that has not yet had a chance to be digested. Gastritis, a simple stomach ache, is one of the most frequent reasons for vomiting in dogs. This condition … Read more