Can Dogs Eat Mealworms? 5 Amazing Facts.

Can Dogs Eat Mealworms

Amid the rising global focus on ecologically friendly alternatives, there’s a buzz about mealworms, especially in nations like Indonesia. These tiny creatures are gaining traction in human diets and being considered for our furry friends. So, Can Dogs Eat Mealworms? Let’s delve into this intriguing question. 

Mealworms: A Comprehensive Overview

Mealworms are not actual worms, contrary to what their name might suggest. Instead, they are the larvae of the darkling beetle, known scientifically as Tenebrio molitor. These larvae are commonly called “mealworms” because of their worm-like appearance and preferred diet.

Physical Appearance:

Mealworms are typically golden-yellow and have a segmented appearance, much like many worms. They are soft-bodied and measure about 2.5 cm or roughly an inch when fully grown.

Life Cycle:

The life cycle of a mealworm consists of four stages:

  1. Egg: The process begins when the darkling beetle lays its eggs.
  2. Larvae: This stage is commonly called the “mealworm”. During this period, the insect consumes the most food, growing and shedding its exoskeleton multiple times.
  3. Pupa: After the larval stage, the mealworm will transform into a pupa. In this phase, it does not eat and remains relatively still as it undergoes metamorphosis.
  4. Adult: Post-metamorphosis, the insect emerges as a fully-grown darkling beetle, ready to mate and restart the life cycle.

Diet and Habitat:

Mealworms thrive on grains. They are commonly found in areas with abundant food sources, such as stored grains or in the wild, where they feed on decaying leaves, rotting wood, and grasses. They can even consume unexpected materials like styrofoam, making them an area of research for biodegradation.


Mealworms serve various purposes:

  1. Animal Feed: They are a popular food choice for many pets like birds, reptiles, and amphibians because of their high protein content.
  2. Fishing: Anglers use mealworms as bait for certain types of fish.
  3. Human Consumption: With an increasing emphasis on sustainable protein sources, mealworms are also being explored as human food. They can be roasted, baked, or used in various dishes, providing a nutty flavour.
  4. Research: Mealworms are used in scientific experiments, particularly in schools, to demonstrate insect life cycles.

Nutritional Benefits of Mealworms (Facts)

Mealworms have been gaining attention in the world of alternative protein sources, not just for their eco-friendliness but also for their impressive nutritional profile. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. High Protein Content: Mealworms contain about 50-60% protein. This makes them an excellent muscle repair, growth, and overall health source. Proteins are vital for almost every cellular function in the body.
  2. Essential Fatty Acids: They are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fats are crucial for brain health, inflammation regulation, and overall cell function.
  3. Vitamins & Minerals: Mealworms are a good source of essential minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They also contain vitamins like B12, which is crucial for nerve function and the production of DNA.
  4. Amino Acids: As the building blocks of proteins, amino acids are essential for various body functions. Mealworms provide an excellent array of essential amino acids.
  5. Low in Saturated Fats: Unlike other protein sources, mealworms are relatively low in saturated fats, which can be beneficial for maintaining heart health.

Live vs. Dried Mealworms

Both live and dried mealworms have advantages, and their choice often depends on their intended use and convenience.

  1. Nutritional Content: Live mealworms have a higher moisture content and can be slightly richer in particular nutrients. On the other hand, dry mealworms are more concentrated in protein due to the reduced water content.
  2. Shelf Life: Dried mealworms have a longer shelf life than live ones. They are less susceptible to mould and other potential contaminants if stored properly.
  3. Convenience: For many, dried mealworms are easier to handle and store. They can be readily mixed into foods, whereas live mealworms might be more suitable for feeding pets attracted to movement.
  4. Cost: Live mealworms might be more expensive than dried ones due to the costs of keeping them alive during storage and transport.

Can Dogs Eat Mealworms

What is the proper way to store and handle mealworms?

Storing and handling mealworms properly is crucial to maintain their nutritional value and ensure they remain safe for consumption, whether for you, your pets, or livestock.

  1. Live Mealworms:
    • Excellent Storage: Store live mealworms in a container in the refrigerator. This slows down their metabolism, effectively putting them dormant and prolonging their life.
    • Bedding: Use a mix of oatmeal, wheat bran, or cornmeal for bedding. This also serves as a food source.
    • Regular Check: Every few days, check the mealworms. Remove any dead ones and provide potato, apple, or carrot slices as a moisture source.
    • Handling: When using, gently scoop out the required amount. Allow them to warm up to room temperature if feeding to pets so they become active again.
  1. Dried Mealworms:
    • Sealed Container: Store in an airtight container to prevent moisture from getting in. This helps prevent mold growth.
    • Cool & Dark Place: Store the container in a cool, dark place, like a pantry. Excessive heat or direct sunlight can degrade the nutritional content.
    • Handling: Dried mealworms can be handled directly, but always ensure your hands are clean. When feeding animals, you can mix them into food or offer them as they are.



Physical Attributes

While many might squirm at the thought of both, it’s essential to differentiate between them. Earthworms, with their pink fleshy colour, are the natural soil tillers. On the other side of the spectrum, mealworms, with their distinctive brown-orange hue, are, in fact, not worms. They are the larvae of the mealworm beetle.

Feeding Habits

Earthworms are nature’s recyclers. They feed on decaying plants, fungi, and seeds, enriching the soil as they pass through it. Mealworms have a diverse palate, feasting on stored grain, damaged grain residues, and even unconventional items like biowaste and polystyrene foam.

How Do Mealworms Taste Like?

For humans, mealworms offer a taste likened to an umami flavour – somewhat nutty, echoing the essence of seeds. This unique taste has catapulted them into the realm of alternative food products, with insect burgers and other edible insects emerging in food markets.

Can Mealworms Eat Dog Food?

While their primary diet centers around grains and biowaste, mealworms are opportunistic feeders. They can find nutrients in cat food, cereal, fruits, and vegetables. So, your dog’s food bowl might be their buffet if they’re around.

Can you grow mealworms at home?

Absolutely! Mealworm farming is burgeoning as a sustainable, ecologically friendly alternative. With a keen understanding of the mealworm life cycle – transitioning from egg to larvae, then pupa, and finally adult – you can cultivate these critters at home, offering a fresh protein source alternative to traditional meat or fish feed.

What other insects are safe for dogs to eat?

Besides mealworms, dogs can safely consume superworms. Such insects are not strangers to the culinary world, especially in poultry and fish feed, owing to their rich protein content.

Are Mealworms Harmful?

In moderation, mealworms are primarily safe. They’re protein-packed and rich sources of essential amino acids beneficial for brain function and development. However, it’s always wise to remember the idiom, “Too much of a good thing can be bad.” An overabundance can lead to nutritional imbalances.

How many mealworms can I feed my dog daily?

While mealworms offer a bouquet of nutritional benefits, moderation is paramount. Depending on the dog’s size, a modest handful (about 10-15 mealworms) could be mixed into their diet. It’s prudent to seek a vet’s advice for an individualized approach.

Recapping our view on whether dogs can eat mealworms!

In a nutshell, dogs can feast on mealworms. They present a protein-packed alternative to meat. However, it’s vital to maintain a holistic view of their diet and ensure it remains balanced.

Safety and Precautions for Feeding Mealworms to Pets

Safety first! Before integrating mealworms into your pet’s diet, introduce them slowly, watching for allergic reactions or digestive upsets.


  • What pets are fans of dried mealworms?
  • Birds, particularly certain bird species, bearded dragons and even cats, relish dried mealworms.
  • Can both feline and canine friends eat mealworms?
  • Certainly! They’re a wholesome source of protein and amino acids for cats and dogs.
  • Are Superworms a hit with dogs?
  • Like mealworms, superworms are protein-packed and can be a dog treat.
  • Is it safe to eat dried mealworms from pet stores?
  • While possible, always ensure they haven’t been treated with chemicals or additives.

In Conclusion, as the age-old adage goes, “Variety is the spice of life.” While mealworms bring a novel protein source, they should be just one of the many nutritious foods in a pet’s well-balanced diet.