Inside Dog Suddenly Wants to Stay Outside?

For your dog, the outdoors is complete with entertaining attractions and diversions! There is more playground space, and dogs and kids play in the street. However, if your indoor dog suddenly wants to stay outside, you may need to look into the root of the problem.

Some dogs naturally want to be outside. However, others engage in it because they are ill, under stimulated, or depressed.

Why Your Inside Dog Suddenly Wants to Stay Outside:

It’s possible that your dog prefers to be alone outside or that they are more excited there. Additionally, dogs can remain out due to medical issues. Dogs go through many stages in life and aren’t always the same in terms of their emotions, minds, and bodies.

A dog owner gets used to these minor adjustments. However, a dog occasionally starts to act in ways that are drastically different from usual. For example, suppose your elderly dog decides she wants to stay outside.

Due to despair, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction syndrome, or physical disease, an elderly dog may suddenly wish to stay outside. Because it is secure and something dogs are more in tune with, dogs prefer to be out.

Although it could seem intriguing at first, dogs tend to revert to their natural instincts as they age. It is merely a response to their environment and how their minds interpret things around them.

Dog Breeds that are most likely to Stay Outside :

Even if raised indoors, some dog breeds, particularly guard dogs, prefer to remain outside.

The following breeds enjoy using the outdoors as their bedroom:

  • A cattle dog from Australia
  • Australia Terrier
  • English Shepherd
  • Canine Labrador
  • Russian Husky

Large-breed dogs are frequently kept outside. Only three little dogs can live out, and they are as follows:

Tibetan terrier, Welsh terrier, and Norwegian elkhound.

Why does my dog suddenly not want to come in the house?

Are you fed up with finding excuses to be late for work because your dog doesn’t enter the house when you ask?

If that’s the case, you’ve likely tried everything and even went to the point of being unable to appeal to your dog to go inside.

It’s not a shame to admit that I was determined to get my brand new puppy inside my home to beg him for his return without success, could I add.

The begging method didn’t work for you either, as you searched for solutions for your dog’s disruptive behaviour.

The first step is to convince your dog to go inside. When you call, it is essential to discover why your dog would rather stay out so long.

Think about what’s so attractive in the outside world that your dog doesn’t want to go inside. Once you have identified the potential reason, you can focus on solving the problem and avoid being late to work.

Here are some possible motives for the reasons your dog doesn’t come to the door when you call:

Every dog loves being outdoors! Outdoor play can allow your dog to run and play as they chase birds and squirrels and smell all those appealing scents. In the dog’s eyes, it’s more exciting and fun than sitting in the house all day, waiting to be greeted by your return from work.

Your dog may get plenty of exercise and positive reinforcement while you let him run around your yard. However, there’s nothing your dog can do once you get inside other than play a bit, eat a little food, and rest a lot.It isn’t easy to figure out how much exercise your dog requires each day since there aren’t all dogs with the same level of energy. Most dogs require between 30 and 60 minutes of physical activity every day. However, highly active working breeds require more.

Your Dog Doesn’t Get Positive Reinforcement Inside the House:

 Reasons Your Old Dog Suddenly Wants to Stay Outside

If each time you ask your dog to come in is the time to take grooming or bath time or a trip for a visit to the veterinarian, don’t be shocked when your dog doesn’t want to go inside.

In addition, your home may be too cold or hot for your pet, or he may be anxious with children or make an excessive sound. Whatever the case, it’s your responsibility to make your house more welcoming for your pet, which is full of positive reinforcement.

If your dog is scared of certain sounds, try eliminating the noises if you can, or at the very least, keep them to the minimum. Also, ensure a pleasant temperature in your home. The dog should not be too cold or warm anytime.

Be sure that your pet has a calm area in the house to rest in if there are children in your home who get a bit overly excited about playing. In the end, your home must be filled with positive experiences and rewards if you are looking to create a more appealing to your pet.

Common Reasons :

Outside, your dog seems more at ease:

Your dog can prefer to sleep outside because they don’t want to mingle, especially if they are older. Because it is more excellent, more tranquil, and silent out, a dog may also feel more at ease. A dog wants to drown out background noises like the TV, phone, conversations, and more.

Anxiety symptoms or Distress:

Dogs also struggle with mental health concerns, just like people do. Trauma or inadequate socialization can lead to anxiety. Your dog will probably choose to stay outdoors if there is something or someone within the house that makes them anxious. Trembling, hiding, cowering, excessive grooming, and incontinence are all indications of anxiety in dogs.

Anxious dogs prefer to avoid noisy situations. On the other hand, dogs with depression exhibit disconnected characteristics. Significant life changes, such as moving to new houses, meeting new family members, or losing a friend, might make your dog unhappy.

A chemical imbalance in your dog’s brain could be the source of depression. Other symptoms of depression in dogs, besides isolation, include a decline in social interactions, anxiety, and increased sleep.

New Dog in the Neighborhood:

Your dog may act abruptly like an outdoor dog because they are attempting to attract attention. It can be your neighbor or a new dog. If you have an intact male dog, the neighborhood may have a female dog that is in heat. If you have a female dog may be in heat and prefer to remain outside. Licking their private area, marking more, sniffing, and approaching other dogs to indicate a dog is in heat.

Health Issues:

Your dog may suddenly desire to stay outside if they have one of several illnesses. They could be too frail to interact and play with family members, so they withdraw outside.Your dog may become quieter and lose its appetite due to physical discomfort. Watch for limping and decreased movement in older dogs because of arthritis and reduced muscle mass.

Your dog wants to kee you safe:

If your indoor dog suddenly wants to stay outside, it may be because they feel that staying outside will help them guard you and your family more effectively.It’s best to let your guard dog remain outside if you have one. Knowing you have a dog watching out for you will make you feel safer, and the dog will be happier.

Reasons Your Old Dog Suddenly Wants to Stay Outside:

The syndrome of cognitive dysfunction (CDS):

It is the most frequent cause of an old dog acting strangely and wanting to spend more time outside.

Dogs with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome have trouble recognizing different rooms. They start to find it more difficult to identify patterns and distinctions than when they were younger.

When this occurs, it’s only standard for a dog to desire to end the conflict.

What is the response?

They seek such outdoor activities since they may rely more on their innate instincts there. When interacting with CDS, the smells and everything outside is more “normal” for them.

Allowing your dog to spend time outside is crucial if they are dealing with this disease. It will assist in bringing the dog’s situation under control and guarantee that dog doesn’t get more anxious or sad.

To foster familiarity, keep them in specific areas of the house. They may find it simpler to feel at ease and avoid feeling overwhelmed.


You must consider the mental health of an elderly dog if it insists on being outside all the time.

It is typical for elderly dogs to start exhibiting depressive symptoms. Numerous factors contribute to this, but it is common for hormones to fluctuate and impair brain function.

A dog who is depressed won’t act with the same enthusiasm as it once did. The dog always wants to be outside, which can be challenging for a dog owner to understand. It aids in controlling the depressive emotions people experience at home.

Illness or Condition:

The dog may have a physical injury or illness. The dog might not want to be inside if it is experiencing specific symptoms, such as pain. It can make the dog desire to go for a walk outside and seek out a different environment from where it usually hangs out.

As soon as feasible should research this condition. You don’t want an elderly or ill dog to begin going for walks outside where other animals and moving cars may be present.

If you think this is a significant problem, talk to a veterinarian.


It’s conceivable for an elderly dog to have anxiety, much like depression. The dog will exhibit a wide range of symptoms if it is experiencing anxiety. Additionally, this will make the dog withdraw psychologically, hiding out all day.

As a result, it’s also likely that the dog will start longing to spend more time alone outside.

Your best action in such a situation is to consult a veterinarian and take the dog out more frequently. It is preferable to be there with the dog than to allow it to go outside unattended.

How do I get my dog to stop wanting to go outside?

  • Walk your dog daily. It’s a tremendous physical and mental exercise (for the two of you! ).
  • Train your dog to play fetch with a ball or Frisbee(TM) and practice with them as often as possible.
  • Learn your dog some tricks or commands. Make sure to teach your dog every day for 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Join an obedience class with your pet and take the lessons you’ve learned daily.
  • Make sure you have exciting games (Kong (TM)-type toys filled with treats or toys for busy boxes) that keep the dog entertained while you’re away.
  • Rotate the toys of your dog so that they appear intriguing and new.
  • Ensure your dog is inside when you’re unable to keep an eye on them. This will also help keep them secure and reduce the possibility of theft from your backyard.
  • If you have to be away from your home for an extended period, bring your dog alongside you, go to a “doggie daycare center,” or ask an acquaintance or a neighbor to take your dog for a walk.

Sexual roaming:

The sexual maturity of dogs begins when they reach six months old. The males in good health have an intense desire to pursue females, and it’s not easy to stop an intact dog from running away when its motivation to escape is shallow.


Do you have your male dog spayed or neutered? Research has shown that neutering can reduce sexual roaming in around 90% of cases. If healthy males have developed the habit of running away and escaping, they could continue to do this even after being neutered. This is an additional reason to get males fixed as quickly as possible.

Get your female dog sterilized. If female dogs that are not intact leave when they are in the hot weather, they are at the chance of becoming pregnant (and they might become pregnant even if they remain in your backyard).

Do not cause the overpopulation of pet’s issue by giving your female dog the freedom to reproduce randomly. Millions of unwanted animals are put to death every year.

People Also Ask :

Why Does My Dog Want to Stay Outside in the Cold ?

 Think about whether this behaviour is every day. Or is your dog refusing to go inside suddenly? If the behaviour change is not recent, you should consider what has changed in your home to make your dog prefer to be outside.

Maybe you’ve recently turned up the temperature, and your dog has discovered it is too hot inside the house.

It could happen only when a specific person from your family or friends has arrived. It could be because your pet is seeking peace and tranquillity and isn’t a fan of being at home with your favourite television show.

If your dog isn’t coming inside and you’re not sure, why look at the things happening around your home that could trigger your dog’s behaviour? Certain breeds are designed to withstand colder temperatures

Siberian Huskies, for instance, have a thick, double coat that shields them from the extreme cold. Of course, there are significant differences between your dog’s Husky and a pack member trained to pull sledges under challenging conditions. However, even an animal as large as the Husky could get cold if they are left outdoors for too long during freezing temperatures.

If you’re feeling slightly cool, but your dog is as happy and content, then he’s likely to be okay staying in the shade.

What do I do if my dog wants to go outside all the time?

 Reasons Your Old Dog Suddenly Wants to Stay Outside

 If your dog loves to be outdoors and you are thinking about what’s happening inside his head. When this seems to be a brand new behaviour that started suddenly, and you are unsure of the cause, turn on the investigative temperature and look at what might have changed in the dog’s environment that triggered this behaviour. However, maybe you’ve just bought a new puppy, and the dog is always to be outside every day, and you’re trying to convince him that the indoors are the best location.

Whatever the reason, Here are some solutions to the problem of the reasons your dog would prefer to be outdoors all day long.

Here are some suggestions when you’ve determined why your dog would like to be outside all the time.

If you suspect your dog has a medical issue, the best option is to take your dog to a vet. And while you’re there, gather a urine or stool sample to take to the vet.

If there’s a new pet that moved into the area, or critters are living in your yard or attic At this point, you could turn on the white noise (radio TV, radio, or another sound) to help with your plan of management to see if it will help to calm your dog. It could take a while, but your dog will eventually be able to adjust and realize that the puppy or dog is in the area for the right reasons.

If your dog reacts to a kitten’s crying, especially if you’re close to your neighbour, You might be able to share the information; they might not even be aware when they’re away for some time. The cat is hungry, lonely or thirsty.

It could be that the kitty is afraid of the thought of moving to a different location or is “stuck” in a corner and doesn’t want to go out for a meal or drink.

If you’re not, you should keep your dog busy by playing brain games and engaging in long walks.

You can also use white noise that can drown out the pup’s whining or barking. You can also teach an appropriate redirection signal when your dog walks towards the door, telling the dog “off” and directing the dog to play with a filled Kong that can keep them entertained for a while. As the new puppy or dog gets used to the new environment, the dog will speak less (hopefully! ).

Suppose you’re the owner of a brand-new pet and are concerned that the dog is a little intimidated by you.

In that case, you can assist your dog in adjusting by being cautious (especially in the beginning) and putting yourself into their head. For instance, try to keep the noise to a minimum. Move slowly, and when you’re looking to build positive associations, throw some treats his way when you stand up or perform something that frightens your dog.

If the movement of your hands scares the dog, drop them and walk away. Your dog will soon begin connecting you to good things and eventually learn to trust you.

Why Does My Dog Staying Outside More Than Usual ?

 Physical discomfort may make your dog become isolated from the outdoors. Your dog may not keep up with its physical friends any longer.

Physical discomfort can result in a decreased appetite. This is usually the case when dogs try to take care of themselves. Wild dogs will often separate themselves from other dogs when trying to heal from an illness or injury so that they don’t have to compete with their companions or hunt while they are unable to move as they usually would.

The behaviour has been seen in domestic dogs too. The discomfort could be caused by various reasons, including cancer, poisoning or infection.

When your pet is over your age, you can be sure that they suffer from joint discomfort. The larger breeds could suffer more bone problems than other breeds, too.

 Final Thoughts :

The inside dog suddenly wants to stay outside

Because of cognitive dysfunction syndrome, anxiety, despair, or significant medical disease, your ageing dog suddenly wants to stay outside. If you want to find the source of the issue, it is best to speak with a veterinarian.

Older dogs frequently act this way. Therefore it’s critical to identify the specific problem. The only way to begin changing the senior dog’s way of life while keeping it happy is to do this. Please don’t ignore the change because, depending on what the underlying cause is, it might get worse.