Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart. How Much to Feed – Puppy to Adult

Feeding your Rottweiler properly is essential for their health and well-being. Here’s a Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart from puppy to adult, including raw feeding recommendations. Please note that individual dogs may have unique dietary needs, so it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice

Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart


  1. Adjust the portions based on your Rottweiler’s activity level, metabolism, and individual needs. Always monitor their weight and adjust accordingly.
  2. When transitioning to a new type of food or making dietary changes, do so gradually over several days to avoid digestive upset.
  3. Consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations, especially if your Rottweiler has any health issues or special dietary requirements.
  4. Raw feeding should be done with caution and under the guidance of a veterinarian or experienced raw feeder to ensure a balanced diet.
  5. Ensure fresh water is available at all times.
Age Type of Food Daily Amount Frequency
Puppy (2-4 mos) Puppy Kibble 1.5 – 2 cups 3-4 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1/2 – 1 cup (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 8 – 12 oz (227 – 340g) 3-4 meals per day
Puppy (4-6 mos) Puppy Kibble 2 – 2.5 cups 3 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1 – 1.5 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 12 – 16 oz (340 – 454g) 3 meals per day
Puppy (6-12 mos) Puppy Kibble 2.5 – 3 cups 2 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1.5 – 2 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 16 – 20 oz (454 – 567g) 2 meals per day
Adult (1-3 yrs) Adult Kibble 3 – 4 cups 2 meals per day
  Adult Wet Food 1.5 – 2 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 20 – 24 oz (567 – 680g) 2 meals per day
Senior (7+ yrs) Senior Kibble 2.5 – 3 cups 2 meals per day
  Senior Wet Food 1 – 1.5 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 16 – 20 oz (454 – 567g) 2 meals per day

Remember that this is a general feeding guide, and the exact amount of food your Rottweiler needs may vary. It’s crucial to monitor your dog’s weight, energy level, and overall health and adjust their diet accordingly. Regular veterinary check-ups can help you fine-tune your Rottweiler’s feeding plan for their specific needs.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart

How Much Food Should You Give Your Rottweiler Puppy?

Age Type of Food Daily Amount Frequency
Puppy (2-4 months) Puppy Kibble 1.5 – 2 cups 3-4 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1/2 – 1 cup (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 8 – 12 oz (227 – 340g) 3-4 meals per day
Puppy (4-6 months) Puppy Kibble 2 – 2.5 cups 3 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1 – 1.5 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 12 – 16 oz (340 – 454g) 3 meals per day
Puppy (6-12 months) Puppy Kibble 2.5 – 3 cups 2 meals per day
  Puppy Wet Food 1.5 – 2 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 16 – 20 oz (454 – 567g) 2 meals per day

Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart: Adulthood

Age Type of Food Daily Amount Frequency
Adult (1-3 years) Adult Kibble 3 – 4 cups 2 meals per day
  Adult Wet Food 1.5 – 2 cups (divided portions)
  Raw Diet 20 – 24 oz (567 – 680g) 2 meals per day

Rottweiler Nutritional Needs

Stage of Life Protein (% of diet) Fat (% of diet) Other Nutritional Needs
Puppy (2-12 months) 22-32% 8-12% Higher calcium and phosphorus
Adult (1-7 years) 18-26% 5-15% Balanced diet for maintenance
Senior (7+ years) 18-24% 5-10% Lower calories for weight maintenance and joint health


  1. Adjust the portions based on your Rottweiler’s individual needs, activity level, and metabolism.
  2. When transitioning to a new type of food or making dietary changes, do so gradually over several days.
  3. Consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations, especially if your Rottweiler has any health issues or special dietary requirements.
  4. Raw feeding should be done with caution and under the guidance of a veterinarian or experienced raw feeder to ensure a balanced diet.
  5. Rottweiler puppies have different nutritional needs than adults, including higher protein and fat requirements and specific calcium and phosphorus ratios for bone development.
  6. Senior Rottweilers may require lower-calorie diets to maintain a healthy weight and may benefit from joint supplements for joint health.

Rottweiler Feeding Guide Chart

what to feed a Rottweiler puppy to gain weight


Feeding a Rottweiler puppy to help them gain weight should be done carefully to ensure healthy growth and development. Here are some tips on what to feed a Rottweiler puppy to help them gain weight:

  1. High-Quality Puppy Food: Choose a high-quality puppy food that is specifically formulated for large breeds. Look for a puppy food with higher protein and fat content. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) label on the food can help ensure it meets nutritional standards.
  2. Feeding Schedule: Feed your Rottweiler puppy on a regular schedule. Divide their daily food allowance into several meals throughout the day to aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Feeding 3-4 times a day is ideal for puppies.
  3. Portion Control: Monitor the portion sizes carefully. You can gradually increase the amount of food you give, but avoid overfeeding, as excessive weight gain can lead to health problems.
  4. Supplement with Wet Food: Mixing in some high-quality wet puppy food with their dry kibble can provide extra calories and moisture. Ensure that the wet food is appropriate for puppies and not just adult dogs.
  5. Protein: Ensure the food you choose contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein. Protein is essential for muscle development.
  6. Healthy Fats: Look for foods that contain healthy fats like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which can help with coat condition and overall health. Avoid foods high in unhealthy fats.
  7. Avoid Empty Calories: Don’t rely on treats and snacks to help your puppy gain weight. While some treats are fine in moderation, they should not replace meals.
  8. Consult Your Vet: If your Rottweiler puppy is struggling to gain weight despite adjusting their diet, consult your veterinarian. There could be underlying health issues that need to be addressed.
  9. Regular Exercise: While you want your puppy to gain weight, you should also engage them in age-appropriate exercise to ensure that the weight they gain is muscle and not just fat. Consult your vet for guidance on appropriate exercise levels for your puppy’s age and health.
  10. Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your puppy’s weight gain progress. You should see gradual, steady growth. Sudden, rapid weight gain can be a sign of overfeeding or other health issues.

How much should I feed my Rottweiler a day?

When determining how much to feed your Rottweiler, it’s essential to consider their weight, age, and activity level. Portion control is vital, and consulting your veterinarian for specific recommendations is advisable.

When to Switch From Puppy to Adult Food:

Transition from puppy to adult food should occur when your Rottweiler reaches adult size, typically around 12-24 months, depending on their development. Consult your vet for guidance during this “growing pains” phase.

How many times do Rottweilers eat a day?

Rottweilers typically eat 2-3 times a day. It’s essential not to “put all your eggs in one basket” by dividing their meals for better digestion and appetite control.

Should I feed my Rottweiler once or twice a day?

Feeding your Rottweiler twice a day is often the better choice to “divide and conquer” their daily nutritional needs. It aids in better digestion and prevents overindulgence.

What is the best diet for a Rottweiler?

The best diet for a Rottweiler emphasizes quality over quantity. Focus on balanced, high-quality dog food, and avoid “putting all your treats in one bowl.”

How many walks does a Rottweiler need a day?

Rottweilers benefit from at least 2 “brisk walks” a day. It helps them expend energy and keeps them physically fit.

Feeding Hacks for Overweight Rottweilers:

1. “Cut the Mustard” with Portion Control: Like in life, moderation is essential when feeding your overweight Rottweiler. Don’t let them “cry over spilled milk.” Instead, measure their portions carefully to “cut the mustard” and help them shed those extra pounds.

2.    Quality Over Quantity: Remember the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? Well, in this case, put only some of your treats in one bowl. Focus on the quality of food rather than the quantity, and “don’t put all your treats in one bowl.”

3. “Barking Up the Wrong Tree” Treats: When treating your Rottweiler, opt for healthier, low-calorie snacks. Avoid those high-calorie “empty promises.” Think of it as “not barking up the wrong tree” when choosing their treats.

What’s the Difference Between Dog Food Ingredients and Dog Food Nutrients?

How to Transition Your Rottweiler to a New Food: 

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew”: Transitioning to a new food should be gradual, not abrupt. Take it one step at a time. “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Start with a mix of old and new food to ease the change.

How much should I feed my Rottweiler a day? 

Portion Control: “A Little Goes a Long Way”: When determining daily portions, remember that “a little goes a long way.” Consult your vet for specific recommendations based on your Rottweiler’s weight, age, and activity level.

How many times do Rottweilers eat a day?

 Rottweilers are typically fed 2-3 times a day. spreading meals helps maintain their energy levels and prevent overeating.

Should I feed my Rottweiler once or twice a day? 

Opt for providing your Rottweiler twice daily to “divide and conquer.” their daily nutritional needs. It aids in better digestion and prevents overindulgence.

What is the best diet for a Rottweiler? 

The best diet for Rottweilers emphasizes quality over quantity. Focus on balanced, high-quality dog food and avoid “putting all your treats in one bowl.”

How many walks does a Rottweiler need a day? 

Rottweilers benefit from at least 2 “brisk walks” a day. It helps them expend energy and keeps them physically fit.

When to Switch From Puppy to Adult Food: 

The transition from puppy to adult food when your Rottweiler has reached their adult size and their growth “growing pains” are over. Consult your vet for guidance.

What Foods Are Bad for Rottweilers? 

Avoid foods like chocolate, grapes, and onions – they are like “separating the wheat from the chaff.” These foods can be toxic to your Rottweiler.

Optimal Feeding Times for Rottweilers:

Age Optimal Feeding Times
Puppy 3-4 times a day
Adult 2 times a day
Senior 2 times a day

Remember that Rottweiler puppies grow quickly, but it’s essential to ensure that they gain weight in a healthy and controlled manner. Consulting with your veterinarian for a customized feeding plan based on your puppy’s specific needs is always a good practice.