German Shepherd Upset Stomach and 5 Stomach Gurgling Reasons

German Shepherds get an upset stomach and stomach gurgling

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and majestic appearance. However, like all breeds, these dogs are not immune to health issues, and one common problem they face is an upset stomach. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind a German Shepherd upset stomach and its frequent symptoms and provide effective remedies. … Read more

Feeding Your German Shepherd a Holistic Diet: Diet Calculator for a German Shepherd

Protein Source for dogs

They say, “You are what you eat,” and this saying holds not just for humans but also for our four-legged friends. Regarding your beloved German Shepherd, ensuring a nutritious and well-balanced diet is paramount to their overall health and vitality. One approach gaining popularity among pet owners is feeding their German Shepherds a holistic diet. … Read more

Why Does Dog Food Smell Bad? Unveiling the Culprits and Solutions

why does food smell bad

Have you ever opened a bag of dog food and been greeted by an odor that makes you wrinkle your nose in disgust? Many pet owners are familiar with the pungent smell of dog food, and it can be pretty off-putting. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes behind the foul-smelling dog food and … Read more

Best Dog Food for Picky Eaters in 2023 .

best dog food for picky eaters

Nothing is more irritating than having a fussy eater. If it’s a kid or a pet, it takes work to convince your pet to eat the foods you’d like to. In the case of dogs, plenty of things influence their preferences. It could be that they’re getting too many treats, or perhaps they need to … Read more